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Friday, May 19, 2017

Welcome Dance featuring Oluja, DJ Skara
Doors open at 8:00pm
Holy Trinity RC church hall
2110 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville, ON                    

 Admission: $10

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Festival Concert

Doors open to performers at 11:00am, ticket holders at 12:00pm.  Concert starts at 12:30pm. (updated)
Milton Theatre Arts

1010 Main St E, Milton, ON L9T 6H7     

 Admission: $15



Festival Banquet featuring Nocni Raj, Skitnice, DJ Skara

Doors open at 6:00pm
St. John, Lithuanian Hall
2185 Stavebank Rd, Mississauga, ON

Performers/Children 12 and under: $25          Non-Performers: $35


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Mass celebrated at 10:00am

Holy Trinity RC
2110 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville, ON

Lunch- right after mass

Holy Trinity RC church hall
2110 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville, ON

By order only $15 per plate

Festival Concert

Doors open to performers at 12:00pm, ticket holders at 12:30pm. Concert starts at 1:00pm. (updated)
Milton Theatre Arts

1010 Main St E, Milton, ON L9T 6H7

Admission: $15



Closing Dance featuring Nocni Raj, Oluja

Doors open at 7:00pm
St. John, Lithuanian Hall
2185 Stavebank Rd, Mississauga, ON
Admission: $15